
We like to share our small and big wins with our partners and customers


We like to share our small and big wins with our partners and customers







We like to share our small and big wins with our partners and customers







Proside develops TE.M.S application of SPMS

Proside, in partnership with Serviços Partilhados no Ministério da Saúde (SPMS), developed an application called TE.M.S - Tempos Médios na Saúde.
02 October 2015, by Filipa Pereira

Proside at IHE-Europe Connectathon

We were from April 20 to 24 at the IHE-Europe Connectathon, in Luxembourg.
23 April 2015, by Filipa Pereira

Proside at the 27th Global GS1 Healthcare Conference

Proside was, from April 21th to 23th, at the at the 27th Global GS1 Healthcare Conference, in Mexico City
22 April 2015, by Filipa Pereira

Proside at HCist'2014

Proside was present at this year HCist´2014 conference (International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies).
24 October 2014, by Filipa Pereira

Proside grows with Euromedic Group

Since 2008 we’ve been working on our Queue Management technology at Euromedic Group. Now, in 2014, we add new functionalities and strengthened present in more clinics.
21 March 2014, by Filipa Pereira

Proside @ IEEE HEALTHCOM 2013

Proside attended the IEEE HEALTHCOM 2013 event, as PATRON, and shared their technology and solutions for the healthcare industry.
12 October 2013, by Filipa Pereira

Proside contributed to honorable mention

Pombal city council was awarded a CIO Awards honorable mention for its Multi-channel Contact Center platform, implemented by Proside.
23 April 2012, by Filipa Pereira